Dave Crowther
Born locally in Warsash, I have lived in South Hampshire for all but 15 years of my life to date. A period of military service with the Royal Air Force took me to other parts.
I have been interested in photography since I was 13 years of age, learning to develop and print black and white photographs in the darkroom of the ATC Squadron of which I was a member. AT 17 I bought my first serious camera, an Olympus OM10 SLR with additional lenses, this served me well for many years and produced some wonderful pictures from my travels around the world.
In 1983 whilst serving with the RAF at Odiham in Hampshire I was seconded to the Station Photographic section for a period of 6 months, during this time I enhanced my skills including colour film and slide development.
In recent years I have introduced DSLR equipment and now enjoy the freedom and increased capabilities it brings to the wildlife and landscape photography I enjoy taking these days.